Below, find our most recent articles from all categories!
Google Canada has recently said that they look more often at sites that are frequently updating their content. Is your website taking advantage of that? Get your new content ranked faster by adding content regularly!
Jump into Managing My Website - Why should I add new content?SEO can be confusing. What's the cost? How long will it take? Will I have a good ROI? Let us help manage your expectations so you can make a good decision!
There's more info about SEO - Managing Expectations - What can I expect from my SEO package?User experience is extremely important to your website's future. Learn how to maximize your return visitors AND influence your SEO at the same time from SilverServers.
More on-topic information for SilverServers Old Hat Seo Tips: Issue 3SilverServers has some SEO tips on how to be careful about which other websites you post or submit your own content to. Building backlinks can be a dangerous game!
See what SilverServers thinks about SilverServers Old Hat Seo Tips: Issue 2SilverServers with some SEO info on why keyword stuffing your content is doing more harm than good for your SEO strategy. This ancient form of influencing Google is no longer effective!
See what SilverServers thinks about SilverServers Old Hat Seo Tips: Issue 1So often we meet business owners who tell us that they've hired an SEO company to help boost their search engine ranking. Most of the time when we take a look at their website we can see that there are a number of technical problems that may be hind...
Learn more about How can I tell if my Kamloops business website is good enough for SEO?Is your choice not to invest in a professionally managed website costing you in sales? Websites are one of the most powerful advertising tools to ever exist. If you spend ANY money on advertising and you don't have an SEO and Conversion strategy fo...
Learn more about Is Your Website Making Money? Why not?SilverServers has a new custom website and server monitoring software suite!
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