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Andrew Lamb

Andrew Lamb

Meet Andrew, the team lead of the SEO and content writing team!

When did you start working with SilverServers?

I was hired in February 2017

What’s your position and what do you do?

My title when I was hired was “Assistant Website Manager”. At the start, I helped organize our small team’s busy, day-to-day work so that website launches and updates were all completed. Once the team found out I could write, my role grew to include monthly phone call contact with all of our Grassroots Program clients so that I could plan SEO work with them.

Today, I manage the day-to-day content and communications of our Grassroots program. I send out the monthly SEO reports, research keywords and search results, analyze data, make suggestions to clients, manage our team of freelance writers, optimize website pages to highlight keywords, manage websites within our Paradigm CMS, and often act as the go-between for our clients and our development team.

Whenever I get time, I write.

What have been a couple of your biggest successes so far?

The beauty of SEO work is that if it’s done properly and consistently over a long period of time, it often just starts to work after a while. The key is patiently being consistent until it takes off. However, there are also instances where a single change has a significant effect on rankings too. I’ve had successes in both:

The South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society

The Elizabeth Fry Society advocates for indigenous women all across Canada. The South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society is one instance of that organization in the village of Ashcroft. After years of small updates and efforts with the website, they now rank alongside their parent organization whenever people search Google for questions about the society. Nearly no other instances of the organization have that kind of visibility.

Mile Zero Denture Clinic

The Mile Zero Denture Clinic provides denture services. After years of small edits and keeping up with adding content to their article/blog page, their articles suddenly began ranking for general questions about dentures and raking in real traffic from all over North America.

Claw Manufacturing

A past client, Claw Manufacturing, was already growing in rankings for a few specific locations across North America. They wanted to rank in one particular location where they didn’t have any rankings. After collaboration, we wrote one very SEO-friendly blog post targeting that area. Within two weeks, they were ranking on the first page in the area they wanted to rank in.

What are you looking forward to doing here?

I enjoy collaborating with our clients to help them understand what my team does for them, showing them how they can work SEO into what they’re already doing, and getting them a foothold in the rankings their website needs. It’s not always possible to find a direct way to do exactly what they want, but it’s exciting to work together and find new sources of traffic for their websites.

Where might a client see the work you’ve done?

Andrew QR CodeCheck out our blog! I wrote many of the geographical SEO, Grassroots FAQ, and email support articles from the past few years. If it’s explaining SEO using a random, real-world analogy, then it’s likely that I wrote it!

Also, if you search Google for information about the “Facebook Link Shim”, one of my articles ranks alongside Facebook.

What do you enjoy about working with SilverServers?

I enjoy our team. We have a great atmosphere here with a great group of creative, tech-minded people. They put up with my ever-increasing need for more screens on my desk, work together with me to support our clients, and give me opportunities to learn about the tech they specialize in. We all learn from each other and do amazing, interesting work.

What are your interests outside of work?

I have a young and active family who I enjoy being with. Since the pandemic most of my time has been spent finding activities for us to do! We enjoy camping, hiking, boating, and soccer.

Whenever I can find time, I enjoy sitting down and playing a good action/adventure video game or engaging with the local religious community. When the Kamloops This Week newspaper was still being published, I used to submit to the Faith column 4-5 times a year. Currently, I regularly visit faith groups to keep my Kamloops Faith History website as current as possible!

If you need content written for your blog or webpages, contact SilverServers for help from the content writing team! You can do the same if you have questions about SEO and how it might affect your website.

To meet more of the SilverServers team, click over to our Staff page!

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